
Clothing: What to Wear Deep Sea Fishing

When heading out onto the water, the most important thing to remember is that the weather may change.  You want to make sure you’ll be comfortable when hauling in your catch.

  • Rain gear or windbreaker. These are essential for protecting you from anything from downpours to sea spray! Both will keep you warm if you find yourself a little chilly in the early morning.
  • Light clothing. Shorts, a t-shirt, or a light long sleeve shirt will keep you cool under the South Carolia sun.
  • Hat. This will help keep your head cool and the sun out of your eyes.
  • Polarized sunglasses. These are a must! Polarized sunglasses protect your eyes from the glare off the water. All the better to see your catch with!

Sunscreen: Fishing Sunblock

The strength of the sun should never be underestimated, even on cloudy days! You don’t want a sunburn ruining your day. You’ll be wincing every time you cast! The reflection of the sun off the ocean is often nice to look at, but not so nice on your skin.

  • Check the SPF! Typically, SPF 50 and above are the sunscreens that are going to give you the highest possible protection from the sun. This is not the time to break out the tanning oil!
  • Chapstick or lip balm. Chapstick with SPF or sun protection will be a huge help and will stop your lips from getting burnt or chapped out on the water.
  • Zinc. Yeah, your nose will look a little funny, but lifeguards swear by it!

First Aid: Deep Sea Fishing Preparation

The phrase “don’t rock the boat” doesn’t apply to the ocean waves. Whether you find your stomach easily upset by the motion of the ocean or find yourself with an unexpected cut, you can’t go wrong with packing a couple extras to make sure your trip is safe and comfortable!

  • Motion sickness medication. If you’re likely to suffer from seasickness, this is a must. Take it an hour or so before your trip to make sure you’re not adding a little extra bait to the water.
  • Extra band-aids. Larger first aid kits are provided on the boat, but it never hurts to be prepared.
  • Hand sanitizer. You packed a great sandwich and you’re ready to dig in. Just make sure you get the fish slime off your hands first.

Food and Drink: What to Eat Deep Sea Fishing

Everyone’s gotta eat, and in the hot sun, you want to make sure you’re hydrated. Here are some fishing trip snacks and tips that are perfect for your day on the water.

  • Sandwiches. Pack your favorite! But remember, hand sanitizer is your friend.
  • Beverages. If you are fishing aboard the Drifter, soft drinks and bottled water are available for purchase. If you are fishing on a private charter on the Boomerang or Hobo, you may pack a small cooler to bring your favorite drinks.
  • Snacks. There are chips and crackers available for purchase aboard the Drifter. If you are on a private charter, you are welcome to bring your own snacks.

What We Provide

You’re all packed! Here’s a few things we made sure you don’t have to worry about.

  • Fishing license. We’ve got you covered. You don’t need to obtain a fishing license to come catch fish with us!
  • Bait. We have the best bait and lures around to make sure you catch what you’re looking for.
  • Fishing rods. We have everything needed for fishing but feel free to bring your favorite rod with you if you if you like.

HOBO Located at Shelter Cove Marina

DRIFTER, Boomerang & Ricochet @ Pametto Bay Marina